I'm not really sure where to begin, for fear of both leaving something out and writing a novel. Here it goes...

The Simple Swaddler is incredible. It is a perfectly designed swaddle to allow baby to breathe and adjust as needed, while still providing that pressure and sense of security to settle into a deep sleep. It is nude in color and open ended at the bottom, allowing me to hide the swaddle in any position with just a little bit of accessorizing fabric.

Upon testing it during my past few sessions, I have watched babies settle within minutes instead of upwards of an hour. The swaddle speeds up and smooths out a session, allows parents to relax more, and allows me to provide a higher # for the final gallery images. I am able to leave the swaddle on the entire session if I choose, even through feedings, changings, and many (!) setup transitions. Sibling/family posing has been so much smoother. I am able to make sure that baby is 100% happy, and then focus my efforts on the toddler siblings... before the swaddle, this was my biggest hurdle! With the swaddle doing a lot of my job for me, I can also save the nakey baby/pants setups for the end of the session when baby is the sleepiest. 

I look forward to sessions with multiples and lifestyle sessions using the Simple Swaddler. It's a game changer, and I can only imagine that it is going to revolutionize the newborn photography industry.

Thank you Jenny & Kirsten!!

--Alysha Sanford Photography

My first session with The Simple Swaddler was awesome!  Not only does it keep those crazy arms in place, but as soon as they were in there, baby was OUT!  I could start a session with a semi awake baby or a completely awake baby and by the time I got done with my first wrapped pose the baby was asleep.  BABY LOVED IT!

After a bit I thought..."I don't really need it" and tried shooting a session without using it. EPIC MISTAKE. See, the thing is... I still really sucked at one handed wrapping.  The Simple Swaddler allows me to use two hands and really stop and think about how I'm wrapping, because the baby is snug and safe and happy.  I could wrap the baby... not like it, and re-wrap and the baby had no clue!

So... to sum it up, The Simple Swaddler is life altering for your newborn sessions and I cannot say enough how much I recommend it for ALL of your newborn sessions!

--Sweet Little Love Photography

True story: This sweet little baby girl was pretty much done with her session and having nothing to do with being unclothed.... I popped The Simple Swaddler back on her and she instantly fell asleep again so that I could then wrap her up and put her in daddy's arms. I honestly thought we were done with the session, that we weren't getting the daddy shot... so glad I tried the Swaddler, because this is one of my favourite images!"

--Shelly Ferguson Photography

Thank you Ladies!! You have totally invented something so simple, and so helpful! I did the happy dance when I opened the cute little box and only wished the mail had run earlier that day so I could have used it for a non-sleeper that morning! I was able to use it the next day and was so thankful to have it! It was amazing how it soothed the baby and kept him cozy and calm. I think on of my favorite parts was that I went from a wrapped pose, right into a bucket pose... just removed the wrap, kept the Swaddler on and pulled his arms up to fold under his chin. His legs stayed tucked as I put him in the bucket, and I believe it helped keep him warm and calm as well. OH! and another thing is, you can leave a diaper on with it if you prefer, because it's so snug you don't see the wrinkles. FYI... I personally purchased the Triplet package with three Swaddlers, for twins, incase one does get soiled during a session and maybe I'll have triplets some day. ;)

Amazing Product!

--Jill Geisler - Sprouting Hearts Photography

I am in love with my new Simple Swaddler!! Baby is using it in this shot and it just worked wonders to keep baby calm and in place!! Swoon!! The Simple Swaddler is pure magic and totally worth the investment!!

--Abba Color Photography